Game: Planeshift

Latly i hav been dug in deep into a quite different project. PlaneShift is a MMORPG with emphasis on the RPG part. It is free and all of it is created by volunteers like most open source material. I started playing this game a bit more than a year ago, and yes i know i have said that i never would involve my self with an MMORPG.. Beacuse it it just a huge time consumer.. But i could not resist. Now I am a part of the PlaneShift team as a Game Master. That means I am moderating the game, writing and organizing events for the players. And to be perfectly honest, I find that more fun than just being a player. No surprise there.. I have had the same feeling when it comes to ordinary RPG and LARP too. I guess it is in my nature to always be on the organizer part of projects.

To join this team has been great fun for me, and the best thing is that I can use my experience from RPG, LARP and of course all I have learned from being a story teller. Well it all comes back to that fact that telling stories is perhaps what I do best and enjoy the most, no matter the medium and techniques used. Since I joined the PS team i have written over 40 events and I am quite sure there will be more..

The miner complains about his boss, in the taver Kada-Els.

The miner complains about his boss, in the tavern Kada-Els.

Here is a screenshot from an event I organized yesterday. This was a fairly simple event, based on a conflict between a miner and his boss. I won’t tell more about the event it self, as it might be done again in the future. But I can assure you we had all lots of fun. The players discussed the conflict with eagerness and solved it all with the oldest trick in the book: Bribery.

I guess you’ll all hear more from the world of Yliakum in later posts.. And if you really want to learn more about this strange and wonderful world, it is free to download and register!

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